Riparare un pavimento industrale – Note

Questo blog post ha l’obiettivo di raccogliere informazioni necessarie a imparare a riparare e rifare pavimentazioni industriali.

Partiamo dalle riparazioni dei giunti, vedendo ad esempio il KIT GIUNTI della KEMPER.

Vediamo il video della RIPARAZIONE PAVIMENTAZIONI INDUSTRIALI nella varie fasi di una ditta che fornisce servizi.

Interessante il catalogo del prodotto RESINFLOOR per fare e riparare i pavimenti in resina (d’altronde, prodotti andranno acquistati).

Servono poi i prodotti quali “Promotori di Adesione” da mettere dopo che è stato grattato il pavimento precedente da fixare con una attività di “Pallinatura” usando come macchinari:

Fra gli specialisti cui richiedere consulenza per acquisire competenze in casa PavimentiIndustriali.

Video di Posa Pavimento Industriale in Resina con Ciclo autolivellante .

Procedura con prodotti Kerakoll per Livellatura, con Primer-A e Keratech R30 per la rettifica dei sottofondi.

Ripristino pavimento industriale – Sib Decodur R80

Kit Riparazioni con Malta Resinosa

Transport Marketplace reviews

List ongoing di transport marketplace

Italian to Malta Pallet Transport

Analysis of transport company

  1. Grimaldi Cargo Linee Malta | Grimaldi Cargo (
  2. Pozzallo: Sr. Shipping S.R. Shipping srl – Shipping & Forwarding Agency in Pozzallo (
  3. Pozzallo:
  4. Salerno-Catania: DTL-GROUP | MALTA
  5. Catania: Trasporti Italia Malta Catania – Coppola Nunzio Trasporti
  6. Catania: Spedizioni Transped Import Export Catania
  7. Catania: Trasporti diretti da e per Malta | Ghisoni Transport & Logistic – Corriere Espresso e Logistica (

The point is: How to regulate autophagy?

NMN and ATG4 and mtROS are biological indicators to looks around

Long-Term Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Mitigates Age-Associated Physiological Decline in Mice

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) as an anti-aging health product – Promises and safety concerns

The ATG4 protease integrates redox and stress signals to regulate autophagy

ATG4 as a drug target for autophagy modulation in disease

Targeting mitochondrial reactive oxygen species as novel therapy for inflammatory diseases and cancers

Crohn’s Disease: Potential Drugs for Modulation of Autophagy

The functional and pathologic relevance of autophagy proteases

Furthermore: how to measure the authophagy levels?

Investigating Biology Reversal of Sinclar


Dr. David Sinclair: The Biology of Slowing & Reversing Aging

Telomere Dysfunction Induces Sirtuin Repression that Drives Telomere-Dependent Disease

His book


Some commercial supplements around david sinclair


We need DAO Transparency for DeFi Blockchain Projects

A lot of people from within the blockchain ecosystem is amazed by the DAO Governance model of Crypto Projects, given how DAO token holders could govern  by voting project proposal, just by having their offline, non-custodial tokens available, without any central authority, in a distributed manner, ettc, etc

That’s amazing in theory as an infrastrutcture for community-led project, with a lot of transparency (decisions are public and publicly voted) and engagement.

Well… but here there’s a problem, the very same infrastructure enable private, unrestricted, control and takeover of any project that have an economic model, due to obvious entrepreneurship-led financial interests.

Wait, wasn’t the DAO been made for community-led project, where:

  1. Any governance proposal is posted on a project forum
  2. Any governance proposal is discussed among the community working to reach a consensus
  3. Any governance proposal is finally formalized on the DAO, available to be voted
  4. Any governance proposal is voted by the DAO token holders

Now… in a healthy community-led ecosystem the following things happens:

  1. All proposal are allowed to be posted on project forum, having a valuable content moderation leading to a constructive consensus building
  2. All comments to the proposals, counter-proposals, adjustment are discussed in a constructive and collaborative oriented way (For collaborative decision making, forum aren’t the best tool, but PolIs is)
  3. All proposal, only after beeing adjusted following a discussion and constructive contribution, is published for voting on DAO voting platform (es: Snapshot)
  4. Proposals get finally voted with a high % participation of Token Holders, where there are not small groups of Token Holders representing the majority of elegible voters (Dictatorship of Minorities effects)

However it seems that’s not the case for a lot DeFi formally DAO-governed project, where behind the public Twitter, Discord and Telegram communications channels of the project and its influencers, there’s a small circle of controls.

So, how Capitalistic control happens on DAO, with little or no-critics due to blockchain/web3 hype and histeria, where a group of few with non-transparent interests control the project while declaring community-lead:

  1. Only few proposals get into the forum without moderation
  2. Moderation of proposal’s comment is opinionated by the control group interests
  3. Only few proposal endup being placed for voting into the DAO and there’s no formal and accountable-way to decide what has to be voted on what not
  4. The total % of Token holders participation is low, and there are few large token holders voters that can take decisions regardless of the crowd (more people, with less tokens)

So, in a situation like this it’s obvious that DAO Token Holders are the capitalistic controllers of the project, being able to:

  • Control the participatory process (who speak and when and how much outreach it get)
  • Control the “democratic” process (what get voted)
  • Control the decision process (own the majority trough capital/share control)

Given the obvious abusive manner a project can be capitalistically-controlled by a few, while blah-blahing about DeFi, Decentralization and Fuck The Venture Capital and Strike down the Central Banks, there’s a need to change something.

The way to change something is to introduce strong counter balance measures.

The measures has to be the following:

  1. Radical Transparency measure (similar to political democracy measures)
  2. Maximum individual Tokens Holders voting power
  3. Guarantees Statutary/Principles Measures and Process

More to follow, we need to bring Transparency to the DAO, in a way that can be independently verified/measured with strong accountability.



Flash Loan Research and Analisys

Towards A First Step to Understand Flash Loan and Its Applications in DeFi Ecosystem

Screenshot 2021-12-26 at 13.37.39.png

Screenshot 2021-12-26 at 13.40.11.png

How to Make a Flash Loan using Aave

Tutorial of Flash Swaps of Uniswap V3

Flash Loans, one month in

Making a flash loan with Solidity (Aave, Dy/Dx, Kollateral)

Flash loan gas cost comparison


AAve: 0.09% + Gas

DyDx: 0% + Gas

UniSwap: 0.3% + Gas



Attacking the DeFi Ecosystem with Flash Loans for Fun and Profit

Screenshot 2021-12-26 at 13.45.06.png


Screenshot 2021-12-26 at 13.47.58.png

Screenshot 2021-12-26 at 17.44.45.png


attack 2

Screenshot 2021-12-26 at 17.44.55.png

I need flashloan arbitrage bot

Flashloan bot on Polygon

No Flashloan Fee with DODO

Poly Flashloan Bot

Poly Flash Smartcontract

Explore Ethereum, Polygon, and Avalanche Flash Loan Data on Aave for 2021

DeFiCrawler Py

Flash Loan Exploit Whips Cream Finance For $130 Million

Tutorial of Flash Swaps of Uniswap V3

Flashot: A Snapshot of Flash Loan Attack on DeFi Ecosystem

Multi-Day Layover Travel Platform

A new way to travel and visit many cities is to engage in trip that does multi day stop-over. I had this idea and exploited it many years ago, but very little flight search allow to search for it, up until Airwander come up .

I was using TripAdvisor as the only search enabling to extend stopover up to 48h, all the other sites restricted it.

Airwander is cool but does not really satisfy my simplification needs with it’s filters:

  • Takeoff time
  • Landing Time
  • Number of Stops
  • Duration of Layover
  • Duration of Flight Leg
  • Airline Choice
  • Airports
  • Price

What i want is a flight search and planning tool that compose for me travel ideas based on my own specific requirements:

I want to find holiday ideas to visit multiple cities in multiple places, paying little for the flights, with enough time to visit every city or countries where stop happens.

Below the functional requirements

  1. Configure a departure city (accounting for all airports nearby)
  2. Configure a specific departure date
  3. Require 1 or 2 days of turism in a stop-over
    1. account for minimum >24h & <48h layovers between 2 different flights
  4. Allows up to 4 different stop-over for a single ticket
    1. Up to 4 to 8 days of holiday for a single ticket
  5. Always use the same airline company up between layovers
    1. Single ticket multi-hop, no multiple airlines complexity
  6. Always take into account two separate journeys, two separate tickets based on those rules:
    1. Departure
    2. Returns
  7. Enable flexible Returns, going back to departure country rather than departure cities, to provide better exploration options

The web platform must present travel ideas of cities to be visited with 2 separate tickets:

  • First find the journey of Departure
  • After choose the journey of Returns

The journey should only take into account the cities to be visited.

Departure flights API analisys 

There are many APIs to try to implement that recursive logic with multiple query, to be explored, it seems from preminary analysis that only few do provide availability to match and handle stop-over properly.

The ones that may be valuable for testing is wiki, maybe amadeus in a indirect way.

Kiwi Virtual Interlinking

Prototypes using Kiwi Skypicker API:

The following API does not handle well the stops, maybe Amadeus with some hackery

TravelPort API